Think Globally, Lead Locally

I often think of Patrick Geedes’s message “Think Global, Act Local” when faced with challenges, and this week calls all of us to rise to the many challenges we face in this moment. The results of the US elections affect all of us, globally; after all, we are interconnected. For some, the election proved to be a validation, a confirmation, a victory for causes that resonate deeply within. For others, the results instantly evoked fear, trepidation, anxiety. For others still across all political spectrum, the election results initiated or increased urgent calls for action. For many, this week sparked a need to come together in community.

Before I think about acting locally, though, I begin by thinking about what leading locally means. Leading begins with me, with all the ways I’m leading myself through times that challenge me. It’s checking in with myself, honestly, and asking what it is that I need each day. What do I have to give, and to whom? It is only after I’ve assessed and addressed my needs, my gifts, and where to direct my energy that I am then ready to act in alignment with my values and with clear intention.

Sometimes I’m able to do that work easily over coffee before I begin my day. Other times, I need to invest more time to find my footing. Yesterday, for example, my entire day was spent just finding my breathing, and I needed to create space to process the many emotions and thoughts that were moving through me. Today was an entirely new day and I was able to do that work with ease in the early morning hours. I had more to give to my work and my community today because I did not rush this important ritual of honest daily assessment.

Leadership begins with me and how attentive I listen to myself. From that practice, I’m better able to attentively listen to those around me and respond with clarity and loving intent—even to those with whom I may not initially understand or agree with. 

Be the change you want to see in the world, and start by creating that change within.



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